
CCA Manila Written Test

Verbal Critical Reasoning – Practical Test 1

Unlike spelling, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension questions, these questions are not designed to measure your facility with the English. They are designed to test your ability to take a series of facts expressed in words and to understand and manipulate the information to solve a specific problem.

Employers use critical reasoning questions to gain an insight into whether you have the key intellectual skills that are the foundation for success in a managerial position. Consequently, these questions are usually restricted to graduate and management level tests.

It is not always easy to assess whether someone has the ability to interpret information in an analytical way and to make sound judgements based on their conclusions. This is particularly true if individuals are applying for their first management job and do not have a track record of successful decision making.

Critical reasoning questions require you to demonstrate your ability to make logical decisions and even to recognise that insufficient data has been provided for a definitive answer to be reached, as would be the case in many real-life situations.


Test 1 – 5 Questions
Instructions: Answer as many questions as you can in 10 minutes. Select the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.

Kindly fill in your information details before proceeding to our written examination:

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Category: Verbal Critical Reasoning

The cost of manufacturing tractors in Korea is twenty percent less than the cost of manufacturing tractors in Even after transportation fees and import taxes are added, it is still cheaper to import tractors from Korea to Germany than to produce tractors in Germany.

Which of the following assertions is best supported by this information?

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Category: Verbal Critical Reasoning

If Judy comes to the party then Sally leaves the party. If Sally leaves then either Christine or Clara ask Philip to dance. If Philip is asked to dance by either Christine or Clara and Sally leaves the party, Philip accepts. If Philip is asked to dance by either Christine or Clara and Sally does not leave the party, Philip does not accept.

If Sally does not leave the party, which of the following statements can be logically deduced from the information above?

3 / 5

Category: Verbal Critical Reasoning

Pedro goes either hunting or fishing every day. If it is snowing & windy then Pedro goes hunting. If it is sunny and not windy then Pedro goes fishing. Sometimes it can be snowing and sunny. Which of the following statements must be true:

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Category: Verbal Critical Reasoning

There are 900 bottles to be Jim and Molly working independently but at the same time take 30 minutes to fill the bottles. How long should it take Molly working by herself to fill the bottles?

Statement 1 –   Molly fills half as many bottles as Jim.
Statement 2 –  Jim would take 45 minutes by himself.

Which of the statements above make it possible to answer the question?

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Category: Verbal Critical Reasoning

In 1695 about 11,400 doctors who had treated plague sufferers died and about 23,670 doctors who had not treated plague sufferers On the basis of these figures, it can be concluded that it was more dangerous for doctors not to participate in the treatment of plague sufferers than it was for them to participate in it.

Which of the following statements would cast most doubt on the conclusion above?

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